Kim Breese

Intuitive Guide, Energy Practitioner (HTCP)


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Coming from a corporate background, Kim was considered successful by society-standards, but felt stressed and out of touch with herself and her body. This propelled Kim to uncover the benefits of self-healing through a variety of holistic and integrative approaches. This fateful life experience is what led Kim to energy work. 

As a recovering overachiever and people pleaser, Kim has first hand experience of living life on others’ terms and expectations. Feeling disconnected to herself and everything around her, she knew there was a healthier way to be. This pushed her to discover new ways to feel whole, connected and inspired in her life. Through her own healing journey, she uncovered a truth that set her free to be a support to others on their own healing journey.  

Kim loves to guide others in understanding their personal power by helping them to feel more connected to their mind, body and spirit. We so often live our life through a lens of false pretenses and expectations. Kim has unlocked the powerful tool of intuition, through her energy practice, to be able to see beyond the false pretenses and into the joy we all carry.

Intuitive Guidance provides insight into unanswered questions, provokes memory of pivotal life events and brings forth heart desires. Sessions will focus on an obstacle that is in need of direction. Kim will tune into her clair senses to obtain knowledge and clarity through an open dialogue. The interactive discussion will bring a deeper understanding to the challenge at hand and a clearer path to resolution.