Carrie Krenson


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Carrie began working at The Estuary in 2012.  She enjoys all facets of her job as administrator for the Estuary and The School of Healing Arts and likes that her days are never the same twice in a row.  She serves as the assistant for the Executive Director and she is the first point of contact for new clients, working hard to make sure they connect with the best staff member to meet their needs.  She enjoys all parts of her position which includes day-to-day bookkeeping, budgeting, operations, and scheduling to more creative work with marketing and web design.  She also serves as our go-to person for problem solving the staff's tech support needs and any facilities needs that arise.

Carrie holds bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management and spent 10+ years working in the corporate world of Human Resources before taking another 10 years off to raise her children.  She has two adult children Dasha and Evan and she enjoys her life on a 100-year-old scenic rural farm with her husband, John, of over 30 years, 4 dogs, 2 cats and lots of chickens.